The Graphics Fairy


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Books I like

  • Front Yard Gardening
  • My Cousin Racheal
  • The Undaunted Garden

My Blog List


Monday, February 22, 2010

What Kind Of Blogs Do You Like?

Hello Again,
Ok today is Monday...already can you believe it? I'd like to know what kinds of blogs people like and why they like them. As for me I tend to like blogs about DIY'ers and thrifty folks, mostly just regular people with unique ways of doing things or finding things. I've read er started a lot of different blogs, and I ask myself, what makes this blog so special? There are numerous blogs on the net and I am a fan of some of them, just because I like the way they write and maybe add some humor or whatever the case is. I've also read some blogs that are way up there with people, ranked #1 or 2 and I guess I don't get it at all, I found them somewhat interesting..but geesh, not that great. Then there are the ritzy blogs as I call them with wonderful, gorgeous, pictures of their fabulous rooms, all decorated by what looks like a professional to me..if they found that stuff at GW, I wanna know which one and save me a seat, now those types of blogs while maybe pretty pictures captivate me for a bit, I slowly get bored, then depressed, especially after I look around at my own diggs..LOL. Then there are the ones with the new Mommies who have to show a zillion pictures of their precious newborns, burping, spitting up, "oh it's time for a diaper change, lets take a quick pic of that for our blog", then they go into a long drawn out discussion of what little Susie did today, blah, blah, etc, I do understand in a way, because many moons ago I was a new Mommy too, long before the internet and all the digital cams and so on, BUT having 4 kids within 41/2 yrs., I honestly don't think I would have found the time or energy to write in a blog..I barely had enough energy to dress myself let alone my kids. I've seen blogs where the chic likes all white in her home, I find my sunglasses as I read her blog until my eyes can't take it no more and the here was one with all turquoise..hmmm, it's unique but not me,or the pictures where anyway. So all in all blogs I like are part DIY,therapy, painting sessions, plumbing how to, how to take great pics, how to repaint and add on new handles to a dresser all under 30 minutes, how to stay married FOREVER and never have to cook again, how to cook a great meal in 5 minutes, and what I found at the GW and the yard sale today of course. Well you get the point, I like simple, witty and just cool pics to look at nothing to glitzy or glam for me thank you.
 Have a great day!
XOXO Rene~

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Yard Sales Salvation Army & Goodwill Shopping

Hello Everyone,
Thanks for stopping by to read this..really I mean it, especially since this is my FIRST blog, I do hope I'm not the only one reading it..well in away maybe it's like therapy I could think of it as my diary or journal so to speak, even though I do have one of those already and I faithfully write in it almost everynight, except if I'm to tired or whatever. If you've read my intro, you'll see I was born and live in the midwest, it's kind of a love/hate thing for me I guess. I love the spring summer and fall, but I don't like the winters very much,only briefly for the snow at Christmas, then I wish it would warm up around February. But I don't think I could imangine living anywhere else..the spring flowers and the smell of Lilacs and tulips and peonies..oh my gosh. Also the fact that I'm a gardener big time, I'll get into more of that later, for now I'm trying to redecorate different rooms in my house such as my family room, living room and tweek the kitchen a wee bit. I'll show ya pics and let you see the before and after results. Speaking of results, wow did I find some results the other day,( I'll show pics of my finds too) at the GW (Goodwill) for anyone who doesn't know..ya know I always find really cool stuff at the GW and the SA (salvation army) it truly amazes me what folks throw out, when all it needed was some spray paint or varnish..geesh!!! I admit I do hit some bad days too when I can't seem to find a thing, but all in all I always find some goodies. I am also a thrifty shopper and love the GW and SA as well as the yard sales..I can't wait for those babies to start up, around this neck of the woods it's usually April, as soon as people don't see their breath in the morning air the sales start, yipeeeeee, cuz I love those even more than the other too, I just shop at GW and SA mostly in the winter months, but because yard sales are super cheap and I like to find a bargain and try to talk people down on their prices..some of the time not always, and lately it seems GW and SA have raised their prices which I do't like, serious folks, they have really gone up a lot..poor people who shop there on a needed basis are probably better off waiting until yard sales. Don't get me wrong, I do shop at other fine department stores to, such as Family Dollar, Dollar Tree..LOL. No seriously over half my house is decorated from items from yard sales, GW and's that for frugal. Then there are some things my Mom gave me too, so I had to throw that in. All in All it's been a good week, I can't wait until spring can you? Have a great day!
XOXO Rene~